by abenedik
14. March 2018 21:38
I would like to inform you that a new update of metafile read (Paste2Xaml and Ab2d.ReaderWmf library) has been published.
The following is a list of improvements:
- Added CreateTextBlockForEachCharacter property to ReaderWmf - this created a new TextBlock for each character and allows correct positioning of characters according to character spacing defined in the metafile.
- Added AllowedCharacterSpacingWidthDifference property to ReaderWmf - it specifies when ScaleTransform is used to scale text (this also makes the LimitToScaleCustomTextWidth property obsolete).
- Added support for reading EMR_POLYBEZIERTO elements.
- Improved calculating line thickness in some cases.
- In some cases prevented adding empty Rectangle (Width or Height is 0) with TextBlock elements
- Added support for different x and y values in MillimetersInInch header value - this scales the whole image based on the difference.
- Cleared the current path if EndPath command is called without BeginPath command
- Improved reading images with negative scale transformations.
- Improved positioning text for some special use cases (correctly position text based on the TextAlign mode).
- Fixed ResourceDictionaryWriter so that the ResolveResourceKeyCallback is called also for root keys.
Commercial users with a valid updates subscription can download the new version for their User Account web pages. Others can check it by installing the evaluation version from the Downloads web page.