by abenedik
14. March 2018 21:38
I would like to inform you that a new update of metafile read (Paste2Xaml and Ab2d.ReaderWmf library) has been published.
The following is a list of improvements:
- Added CreateTextBlockForEachCharacter property to ReaderWmf - this created a new TextBlock for each character and allows correct positioning of characters according to character spacing defined in the metafile.
- Added AllowedCharacterSpacingWidthDifference property to ReaderWmf - it specifies when ScaleTransform is used to scale text (this also makes the LimitToScaleCustomTextWidth property obsolete).
- Added support for reading EMR_POLYBEZIERTO elements.
- Improved calculating line thickness in some cases.
- In some cases prevented adding empty Rectangle (Width or Height is 0) with TextBlock elements
- Added support for different x and y values in MillimetersInInch header value - this scales the whole image based on the difference.
- Cleared the current path if EndPath command is called without BeginPath command
- Improved reading images with negative scale transformations.
- Improved positioning text for some special use cases (correctly position text based on the TextAlign mode).
- Fixed ResourceDictionaryWriter so that the ResolveResourceKeyCallback is called also for root keys.
Commercial users with a valid updates subscription can download the new version for their User Account web pages. Others can check it by installing the evaluation version from the Downloads web page.
by abenedik
3. February 2015 21:10
I the previous post I have described how easily is to create ResourceDictionaries from svg fils.
Today I would like to inform you that the ResourceDictionaries improvements from ReaderSvg have also come to ReaderWmf library. This means that creating ResourceDictionaries from metafiles (emf, emf) files have been greatly improved too.
What is more, the ResourceDictionaryWriter from the previous week has been further improved – now it is possible to control the number of decimals that are used in XAML. The following screenshot shows the new application:

This improvement has been also added to ResourceDictionaryWriter that comes with ReaderSvg.
After a series of improvements of 2D products I will now devote more time to 3D products again.