by abenedik
31. January 2009 20:36
I have got some great test svg files and some very helpful user feedback. This lead to the following improvements in Ab2d.ReaderSvg:
- Added AutoSize property. If its value is true (default - as previous version) the size of returned Canvas is calculated from the size of objects it contains. This is useful if you do not care whether the objects were drawn on the Letter or A4 page - you just need the returned object to be as big as its containg objects. If AutoSize is false the size defined in svg element is used for the size of returned Canvas. This is useful if you were working on a Letter page and would like to preserve the positions of objects inside the Letter area.
- Improved measuring of objects when AutoSize is true (now transformed elements are correctly measured).
- Improved ellipse - before svg ellipse was converted into Path WPF element - now it is converted into Ellipse WPF element
- Added reading elements inside svg link element (before the whole element was skipped). Linking is not supported, but its content is now rendered.
- Added support for underline and line-through text decorations.
- Improved processing of text and tspan svg elements.
- Added help file.
The ViewerSvg has been also improved to support new AutoSize property. Now it also has an automatic error reporting - when an exception occurs in ViewerSvg or Ab2d.ReaderSvg, user can now submit error information to help resolve the problems.
The new automatic error reporting is now part of new Paste2Xaml as well.
To install the new version, download the installer from my Downloads page and simply install it over the previous version (no need to uninstall).
by abenedik
4. January 2009 20:34
Ab2d.ReaderSvg library has been improved.
The list of changes is not long. I needed some new functionality for importing text. The previous version has also some problems with importing rectangles. This is a list of changes for version 2.2:
- Added support for FontWeight and Italic FontStyle.
- Added support for Rotate in Tspan (for Text on Path).
- Fixed fill and stroke brush for Rectangle element.
- Removed RunWithDeveloperLicense Dialog (shown when commercial license is installed, but the application did not have an embedded license.licx file).
The new version is available on
by abenedik
12. December 2008 19:30
I am happy to announce that the new version of ViewerSvg and Ab2d.ReaderSvg is available.

The new Ab2d.ReaderSvg library is now even better. The following is a list of new features and improvements:
- Fixed resolving external references in svgz files.
- Fixed positioning bitmap images.
- Adjusted LinearGradientBrush to show correctly in WPF.
- Added support for MappingMode in LinearGradientBrush.
- Added reading elements inside switch element (before switch was skipped).
- Improved evaluation mode.
ViewerSvg application has also been improved. Now it is using my ZoomPanel.
Most of the improvements are based on great user feedback. I am grateful for it. So if you find any file that is not read correctly you are most welcome to upload it on my Feedback page.
Unfortunately I did not have time to implement support for Geometry and its optimization as it is done in Ab2d.ReaderSvg. But this feature is very high on my priority list and will be surely implemented soon.
The new version is available from
by abenedik
8. August 2008 10:40
I am happy to announce that the commercial versions of Ab2d.ReaderSvg and Ab2d.ReaderWmf are available.
The purchase can be done on
As rss subscriber I give you 10% launch discount.
For ReaderSvg enter "ReaderSvgRss" as a discount code on the Purchase page. For ReaderWmf enter "ReaderWmfRss"
The discount is valid only until the end of August 2008.
by abenedik
8. July 2008 09:04
Based on great users feedback both svg and metafile importer libraries were improved.
New in Ab2d.ReaderSvg library v1.7:
- Improved reading text - added support for nested tspan elements inside text.
- Fixed reading text-anchor when defined in parent elements.
- Improved reading svg files with missing xmlns declarations.
- Improved performance when reading text. Also now more fonts are rendered correctly.
- Fixed reading embedded images (sometime the bounds of the TextureBrush) were not read correctly.
New in Ab2d.ReaderWmf library v1.4:
- Added support for pen's LineJoin, LineCap and Dash Style.
- Added support for Arc.
- Improved placing text in some metafiles.
- Corrected the width of the lines.
- Correctly use Polyline and Polygon.
New versions are available from
The commercial versions for both Ab2d.ReaderSvg and Ab2d.ReaderWmf will be available soon - probably in one month time. This makes the published versions the last freely available versions. Both will expire on 31th December 2008.
Thank you to all who have provided feedback on the Ab2d libraries.
by abenedik
31. March 2008 00:30
A while ago I spoke with Matevz Gacnik (his great blog: He just came from MIX08 and told me that Silverlight is hot. Very hot! "You should implement support for it as soon as possible!" he said.
He is Microsoft's MVP. That means his advice should be taken seriously. So I postponed my current work - preparing a commercial version of Reader3ds.
Now I am proud to announce that new version of Paste2Xaml and ViewerSvg support Silverlight.
The following screenshots shows the new ViewerSvg with opened svg file and Export dialog:

Now it is possible to use almost any 2D or 3D drawing application to create user interface elements for Silverlight applications. You can draw it in Adobe® Illustrator®, CorelDRAW®, Inkscape, Microsoft Visio or other vector drawing application, save the work in svg file and use ViewerSvg to convert the drawing into xaml. If the application support save into Windows metafile (wmf or emf) like Autocad, it is possible to use Paste2Xaml to convert the saved metafile into xaml. If it is not possible to save the drawing into svg or metafile you can use copy and paste the drawing into Paste2Xaml. This can be used for example for converting graphs from Excel or WordArt from Microsoft Work into xaml. Also there are already huge internet image libraries that can be a great source for user interface elements (see Links section).
So you can use your favorite drawing application and simply draw the user interface of your WPF or Silverlight application in it.
There are also some other improvements and bug fixes:
New in Paste2Xaml library v1.3:
- Added support for silverlight.
- Added objects tree view with rename option - possible to export elements with name (so they can be manipulated later from the code).
- Added select object with mouse.
New in ViewerSvg library v1.3:
- Added support for silverlight.
- Added object selection with mouse.
- Added export dialog with xaml text and preview tabs.
- Added selecting number of decimals in the exported xaml (useful for optimizing the size of exported xaml).
- Added possibility to export only selected elements.
New in ReaderSvg library v1.6:
- Fixed reading number in exponent format (for example 1.234e-3) in transform element. This fixed the problems when some elements in the read image were placed on the wrong location and with the wrong size.
New in ReaderWmf library v1.3:
- Fixed problems with some wmf files that were imported with some anomalies (lost details)
New version of all the Ab2d tools and libraries is available from
by abenedik
5. March 2008 00:20
Based on users feedback all the Ab2d tools and libraries were improved.
Paste2Xaml (utility to read Windows metafiles (wmf), Enhanced Metafiles (emf) or get matafile objects from clipboard and can convert it into xaml) and ViewerSvg (utility to convert svg and svgz files into xaml) has been improved with a zoom toolbox that enable panning and zooming (top right on the image below).
New in Ab2d.ReaderSvg library v1.5:
- Added support for reading svgz (compresses svg) files.
- Fixed reading some embedded images - sometimes "Invalid character in a Base-64 string." exception was thrown.
New in Ab2d.ReaderWmf library v1.2:
- Fixed reading some wmf files - especially files exported from Autocad are converted properly now.
- Added MinLineWidthFactor property - useful for metafiles with lots of lines. With the property it is possible to adjust thickness of the lines.
- Added EmbeddedBitmapImages property that replaced the obsolete MetafileImages (because of misunderstanding of the property)
- Added support for reading pixels (individual points) from metafiles - they are converted to Ellipse elements with the specified radius.
New version is available from
Thank you to all who have provided feedback on the Ab2d tools and libraries.
If you would also like to have some additional functionality or did find a file that does not work correctly, you are most welcome to inform me about it on my feedback page.
There is also a discussions group where you can post a question or see already answered ones.